



Race and the Education of Desire: Foucault's History of Sexuality and the Colonial Order of Things

Race and the Education of Desire: Foucault's History of Sexuality and the Colonial Order of Things

▲で書いたようなことは、この本を読み、バーバの"Remembering Fanon"を読めば、それなりに回答がでる、というような気がする。

In Race and the Educaiton of Desire, Ann Laura Stoler offers a colonial reading of Foucault's History of Sexuality and challenges the marginalization of empire in his genealogy of the nineteenth-century bourgeois self. Drawing on Foucault's little-known College de France lectures on "racism of the state" as well as her own extensive colonial archival research, Stoler argues that a history of nineteenth-century European sexuality must also be a history of race. This book will change the way we think about Foucalut and address how racial thinking in the past has shaped racial discourse today.

そこでファノン『地に呪われたる者』のCh.3: The Pitfalls of National Consciousness (Penguin, pp.119-)の"national middle class"批判なんかを再考できないものかともがいているわけなのだ。
ちなみに、この本にはベルサーニへの言及は一切なし。 そりゃそうか。